Hunter’s First Shiner

Walking down stairs, no problem.  Jumping from the ottoman to the couch, EASY.   Climbing up on the bar stools in the kitchen, puh-lease.  Walking in a straight line while carrying a toy and then proceeding to tumble into the wooden foot of the office chair?  OUCH!  Poor little guy.  He hasn’t let it slow him down though.  He’s a tough one!


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A Sprinkle of Hope

Last night I had the pleasure of visiting a fellow CF family, the Sprinkle’s.  I was on official CF business but couldn’t help but feel at home with such warm and inviting people.  Erin, mother of Caleb (5) and Joshua (9) welcomed us with open arms and made us feel like we were old friends.  I was there to film a few “Thank You” videos featuring Erin and Caleb that will be sent out to the Sponsors and Supporters of a few different CF Fundraising events.  It’s all very hush hush right now, but I can’t wait to release the finished product for everyone to see.  Erin and the boys were total rockstars.  I couldn’t have asked for better people to represent this cause and make my job of filming this project so easy.  Big shout out goes to the Sprinkles!  Thanks again and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our families.  Here is a still from one of the video clips I captured of Caleb during his vest treatment.  Look at this kid!  How cute is he?!


Adalyn Clinic June 2015

It’s that time again.  Adalyn had her quarterly Clinic appointment today and I must say how unbelievably proud we are of our little girl.  Adalyn has always done great at Clinic but Daddy always gets a little…”antsy” when it comes time for her annual labs, AKA: drawing blood.  Maybe it’s because I wasn’t comfortable with the whole blood letting process until I was well into my teens.  But Adalyn obviously inherited her Mother’s bravery because she didn’t make a peep.  She just watched in awe as they stuck the needle into her tiny little arm and proceeded to fill up 6 or 7 vials of blood.  I don’t think she took her eyes off of the contraption that was “sucking the blood out of me” (Adalny’s words) the whole time.  As a matter of fact, she was WAY more concerned with anyone touching her band-aid than anything else.  Such a stinker!  🙂






Playset Surprise

We surprised the kiddos tonight with their very own playset. Adalyn and Hunter LOVED it. This was a very “last minute” video of their reaction. But I couldn’t resist pulling out my phone and attempt to capture at least some of their excitement. We still have a lot of work to do but I don’t think the kids minded one bit. 🙂