Hunter 18 Months Old

You have no idea how many people on the cruise we were on asked us if Hunter and Adalyn were twins.  It’s hard for Mommy and Daddy to even fathom it but, in reality, Hunter is only 2 lbs lighter and just a hair shorter.  I swear he grows an inch or two every week!  (Hmmm… that sounds like something my mom would say…)  Anyway, Hunter is into EVERYTHING, he tries to climb on anything he can throw a leg up on, and he is super curious.  He can also entertain himself, often times sneaking into the playroom and playing with blocks until dinner time.  His most favorite book is Little Blue Truck and his favorite TV shows are Little Einsteins, Daniel Tiger, and Sophia the First (thanks Adalyn).  Between Adalyn and Hunter, he is definitely the little dare devil.  He’s always enjoyed “jumping” between the ottoman and the couch, with the help from Mommy or Daddy.  But tonight, he would thrash his arms in the air letting us know that he didn’t want help and that he could jump all on his own…  And he did…  Such a little stinker.

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Back to the Grind

We’re baaack! We arrived back home yesterday safe and sound from our June 2015 Graduation Celebration Cruise. The Christoff family took a Caribbean cruise to celebrate my bro-in-law’s college graduation. This was the first time we sailed Royal Caribbean and I must admit, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen as beautiful a ship as the Freedom of the Seas.  It was huge and there were tons of things to do on board.  Great times were had by all. We were so busy with all the family activities that I really didn’t get to take many pictures or video, but I’ll post what I have. I’m sure the rest of the family will be posting snapshots on Facebook as well.





Pseudomonas Strikes Back

Yep, it’s true, Adalyn has Pseudomonas.  We hate to even say the word out loud, but there’s no getting around it.  In short, Pseudomonas is a nasty bacteria that we all can get but CF patients have an especially hard time fighting off.  Adalyn had it way back in August of 2013 and luckily has been Pseudomonas free ever since.  She has been on antibiotics (oral and inhaled) for about two weeks now trying to fight it off and she has two more weeks to go before she’ll go back in for another throat culture to see if the treatments were a success.  If not, she’ll more than likely be hospitalized and a picc line inserted in her arm until there’s no sign of the bacteria.  But, we’re remaining hopeful that we are able to beat this thing before that can happen.  Please keep Adalyn in your thoughts and prayers.  There is some good news though!  Adalyn is not symptomatic and she didn’t let the extra breathing treatments and medicines ruin her trip to Red Top Mountain.  We stayed there over the weekend and had a blast running around on the trails and just enjoying mother nature.



