Adalyn Clinic June 2015

It’s that time again.  Adalyn had her quarterly Clinic appointment today and I must say how unbelievably proud we are of our little girl.  Adalyn has always done great at Clinic but Daddy always gets a little…”antsy” when it comes time for her annual labs, AKA: drawing blood.  Maybe it’s because I wasn’t comfortable with the whole blood letting process until I was well into my teens.  But Adalyn obviously inherited her Mother’s bravery because she didn’t make a peep.  She just watched in awe as they stuck the needle into her tiny little arm and proceeded to fill up 6 or 7 vials of blood.  I don’t think she took her eyes off of the contraption that was “sucking the blood out of me” (Adalny’s words) the whole time.  As a matter of fact, she was WAY more concerned with anyone touching her band-aid than anything else.  Such a stinker!  🙂




