It’s a Boy x 2

The cat is finally out of the bag…or bags in our case. Yesterday we decided to let the family in on the genders of the twins. Kayla and I have had to keep it a secret since this past Wednesday when we were scheduled for the Amnio. The procedure went great and we both loved the extra long ultrasound session we got to watch. Things at the Perinatal office are twice as long since there are two stinkers in there. It was amazing seeing the little squirts moving all around in their cramped little space. Both boys are doing good and are weighing in and measuring a week ahead of schedule, fantastic news for the boys. Since we’re between houses right now, we were going to forgo a get-together and just tell everybody the genders as we saw/talked to them but we just couldn’t resist. So, last minute, we decided to throw a little reveal dinner together. Kayla and I made a quick run to Hobby Lobby and Party City to pick up a couple of boxes and balloons. The only boxes we could find big enough to hold a balloon and also fitted with a lid we could lift up were some faux vintage trunks which, I think, turned out pretty great. Most of my camera equipment is packed away so I made due with what I had but I’m proud of the little video we were able to throw together and will cherish it always.

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