A Shorty

Adalyn got Gold Stars across the board at Clinic on Thursday. We’re so proud of her. Addy’s BMI is in the 60th percentile and her lungs sound clear. Oh, and she also got fitted for her vest! Yay! Mommy and Daddy’s arms are celebrating. 🙂 The Respiratory Therapist brought in a couple of adult sized vests so Kayla and I could feel the effects it will have on Adalyn when she starts to use it daily. It was definitly an interesting experience. We’ll be sure to write more about it once we receive the vest and have gone through our official training session.

2 thoughts on “A Shorty

  1. So glad to hear it, I’m sure that’s quite a relief.
    Can’t wait to come see you guys again.
    Give Addy and Kayla my love.

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