Our Cruise to Cozumel

Well, Adalyn is officially a world traveler.  The Crew just got back from a fantastic four day cruise to Cozumel.  While mother nature was going awry here on the East Coast, we were enjoying the warm weather and beautiful water Mexico has to offer.  Adalyn got the full beach experience at Mr. Sancho’s.  I can’t say that she was a fan of the ocean waves hitting her legs but she did like the music, pool, and squishy sand between her toes.  We don’t expect anyone but the closest of friends and family to sit through the three minute (24 seconds) video below, but I’m so glad we have this experience documented.  We’ll certainly treasure this in the years to come.

One thought on “Our Cruise to Cozumel

  1. Loved the video! Glad you had such a great time and the weather was so good. Ted was supposed to be in NJ during Sandy, but thank goodness they cancelled the trip. We still need to come see Addy (and of course you guys). She is doing so much more now. Soooo cute! Karen

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