Merry Christmas 2012

Christmas was an absolute blast this year. For Kayla and I, it was unlike any Christmas we’ve ever had. The focus was solely on Adalyn. We watched every reaction she had to each new book, toy, and clothes she received. By the end of the day, she even got the hang of “helping” open some of the gifts. I admit I went into the Holiday thinking it wouldn’t matter so much. After all Adalyn probably won’t remember any of this. But from the moment we woke up I found myself wanting to make her first Christmas as special as we possibly could. She was an absolute angel today during both, my In-law’s celebration AND my side’s celebration. She loved all the attention she received and seemed to adore being around her cousins. Now, I can’t imagine having Christmas any other way. Oh, and check out the image below… Out of all the cool gifts she received she still wants to play with the TV remote! 🙂


Reading Time

One of Adalyn’s favorite things to do is have books read to her.  She stares intently at every picture and she loves the “voices” we make for the different characters.  This morning I caught her rummaging through her box set of Princess Books.  BTW, I’ve asked Santa to bring me this monopod for Christmas.  Hopefully this will be the last shaky video of Adalyn you’ll see on the blog.  🙂

40 Weeks

How cute is this cheeky little sweetheart?!  Adalyn has definitely become more comfortable with standing up on two legs.  Recently we even caught her walking behind her walker!  It almost looked like she was pushing a grocery cart.  She was so proud of herself.  Addy is a very healthy 19 lbs. and her lungs, vitals, and measurements are all in check!  We really couldn’t ask for much more this Christmas.  Speaking of which, Christmas is right around the corner and we’re scrambling to get last minute gifts and put the finishing touches on our decorations around the house.  Between work and the Holiday it sure is nice to take a break and play with Addy in her play room and try to capture some images.

Santa Baby

Did our little angel just get put on the naughty list?!

Kayla and I have seen many pictures of crying babies in Santa’s lap over the years.  Now, we feel like we’re part of the club.  Guess which one we chose to be put in a Christmas tree ornament to commemorate the adventure?


9 Months

Time sure is flying by!  Especially with all of the Holiday hoopla going on.  You may have noticed a decline in the amount of pictures being posted to the blog lately.  This can mostly be contributed to all of the hustle and bustle that this time of year brings and partially due to the sun light being non-existent when I get home from work.  But that sure isn’t stopping Adalyn from growing like a weed and discovering new things!  Let’s see…She’s not only pulling up on everything now but she’s taking (ahem) baby steps while holding on to whatever she can.  Addy is babbling away and even making sounds like “mummummum” and “dada”.  She waves bye to me when I drop her off at Granna’s house in the mornings, she gets mad when she thinks we’re taking a toy away from her, a few of her top teeth have started to come in, she discovered how to walk (OK, run) in her walker, and she’s understanding phrases like “Give me kisses” and “Not for tasting.”  I can’t believe how much she has changed in 2012.  Adalyn continues to amaze us and steal our hearts with every moment.

‘Tis the Season

The Holidays are finally here.  With them has brought non-stop action to our little family.  With all the food, shopping, decorating, traffic, and weather, we feel like our lives are in overdrive.  But, in all of our hustle and bustle, we received news that made our family pause and give thanks.  The kind faculty at James Wood High School in Winchester, Virginia gave us a gift in the form of a generous donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Adalyn’s name.  It’s so easy to get caught up in all the hype of the newest toys, jewelry, or electronics, but when people come together and give in honor of strangers like us, well…it just reminds you what this holiday is all about.  We want to thank the kind folks at James Wood High for their generosity.  Oh, and a very special shout out to Anita Lemke, thanks for all your effort in putting together this wonderful gift!


36 Weeks Thanks

We’re truly thankful for the abundance of family, friends, health, happiness, and love we have.  We’re also thankful for laughter…except when milk comes out of our noses…