Rookie of the Year Award

Today’s appointment with the CF specialist didn’t quite go our way.  After a great weight gain last week, Adalyn has since only gained 3 oz.  We are chalking up the shoddy weigh-in to us running out of the digestive enzymes she is supposed to take with every meal.  These enzymes help Addy absorb the food she is digesting and without them she just can’t get enough calories or nutrients.  Kayla and I got a stern “talking to” by the physician who told us we could have always called and had the on call doctor order us some more.  Ouch.  We really should have been more proactive about the situation.  Instead, we spaced out what enzymes we had left in anticipation of getting more at this appointment, which was only a couple of days away.  Kayla and I have stopped beating ourselves up over this and realized it’s time to get focused.  We have one week to get Adalyn to 8lbs.  We left the doctor’s office with a strong game plan and now it’s just a matter of us performing.  We’ve got plenty of enzymes, vitamins, and a new prescription that will help the enzymes do their job even better.  We also decided to supplement with some formula at night to help with the weight gain.  We’re parents on a mission!  Takeru Kobayashi better watch out!  We’ll keep everyone posted on how it goes.