Baby Girl is 4

That’s right, our baby girl has turned four years old.  We can’t believe what a wonderful little lady our daughter has become.  She loves to color, watch Disney princess movies, sing, dance, work on puzzles, and play with her little brother.  She’s super smart and is always surprising us with some of the things she says.  Adalyn, we love you beyond words and we love watching you grow into your own.  Thank you for all the joy you bring us.  Happy Birthday!








Playtime Outside

Had a few minutes to play with the kiddos outside while mommy was cooking dinner.  These guys are growing like weeds!  Kayla and I just got back from DC where we attended the Cystic Fibrosis Volunteer Leadership Conference and I swear these kids grew a foot taller!

AddyFourYearsOld-1 copy





The Princess and the Tiger

We asked the kids what was their most memorable part of our family vacation to Orlando and without hesitation they both said it was having their face painted.  Seeing their reactions when the artist handed them a mirror was priceless.  Adalyn was mesmerized and had to have the mirror pried out of her hands while Hunter couldn’t stop smiling and “roaring.”   SO adorable.


Hunter Turns Two

Happy Birthday to our amazing baby boy.  Life is never a dull moment when Hunter is around.  He loves his toy trains with a passion…any loud vehicle really.  His favorite TV shows are PJ Masks, Thomas and Friends, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  His favorite movies are Frozen, The Pirate Fairy (thanks sis), and Big Hero 6.  Some of his favorite activities are dancing around the house (wearing nothing but a diaper), being chased, wrestling, playing with his toy trains, and cuddling up with mommy while she reads him a book.  He’s most quoted saying: “All-light” (the Hunter version of: alright), “Can’t get meeee!” (while running madly away from Mommy or Daddy), “I do it!” (while being strapped in to his toddler seat at the kitchen table), “Fwuit Snak Pwease” (when begging for a fruit snack instead of eating dinner).  Hunter, we love you with all our hearts.  You bring joy to us every day.  We’re so very proud of you.

No, he’s not wearing pants in these pictures…



