
We recently got the call from our genetics counselor, Catherine, with the results of the Amnio test.  Kayla switched the phone to speaker and we both held our breath waiting to hear what Catherine had to say.  With one word, “Positive“, our world came to a halt.  Our hearts sank and our eyes welled up with tears.  Catherine told us that both CF genes, the one Kayla carries and the one I carry, have been found in our daughter’s DNA.  Our baby has Cystic Fibrosis.  Guilt, fear, anger, and uncertainty all seemed to be fighting to rule our emotions.  Uncertainty won.  We had so many questions.  Things we didn’t think we’d be worrying about now at the forefront of our lives.  I don’t even remember the rest of what Catherine had to say.  I don’t even remember ending the call.  Uncertainty would continue to rule until our next doctor’s appointment last Thursday.  Kayla had a follow up exam with the doctor who performed the Amnio test.  The ultrasound projected a healthy and happy baby girl.  Catherine came in to check on us during the examination.  She had called her contacts at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Cystic Fibrosis Center and told us to expect a call from them later in the afternoon.  It was around 4 o’clock when Kayla’s phone rang with a positively cheery voice on the other end.  It was, Barbara, Pediatric Nurse and CF Program Coordinator.  During the half-hour call Barbara pulled us up out of the hole we had fallen into.  She is obviously passionate about the CF program and has been doing what she does for a while.  She could sense our uncertainty but she said exactly the things we needed to hear.  She gave us a website to go to.  She gave us contact information.  She gave us an appointment to meet face to face.  But, most of all she gave us hope…  Thanks Barbara.  We’re looking forward to teaming up with Children’s to keep our baby girl healthy and happy.  Between them and our wonderful family, I think we’re going to be just fine.

Gender Reveal-A-Palooza

If you can’t wait to find out the sex of the baby, check the previous post.  Otherwise, enjoy the short (ok long) film of the Reveal party we had last night. Don’t laugh at the shoddy editing. I was using my point and shoot and don’t have much experience with video. Well, except for watching them…


Amnio Woes

A couple of weeks ago Kayla found out that she is a carrier of the Cystic Fibrosis gene.  The hospital recommended that I be tested too in order to find out the likelihood of our baby inheriting the disease.  If I was found to be a carrier, then our little one would have a 25% chance of being born with CF.  So after getting my blood drawn and sending it off to the lab we received the unfortunate news that I too am a carrier.  Today, was our counseling session with the doctor’s at Northside Hospital.  After a lengthy discussion we decided that an Amniocentesis was the best option for us.  The procedure went exceptionally well and mother and baby are doing just fine.  The results will tell us 100% if our child has the disease or will simply be a carrier.  At the worst, we will be prepared for the future.  At the best, we won’t have to worry about CF again.  At least during this pregnancy.  🙂

HGTV vs Reality

Kayla and I got the call from La-Z-Boy that our new bedroom furniture is coming next weekend.  Seeing as how we were totally not prepared for delivery (imagine that) we decided to kick things into high gear this weekend and get our bedroom all nice and shiny ready to be filled with brand new friends. We moved all of our current bedroom furniture into one of the guest rooms down the hall and then proceed to paint said empty room. I swear HGTV makes it look so easy. Fun even. But the reality of painting a room with tray ceilings is not as exciting as they would have you believe it is. My father-in-law was gracious enough to come help me with what turned out to be a 5 hour job. In the end we were sweaty, messy, and tired but we managed to get ‘er done.  Thanks Dad Christoff for your help!

Five Years Cheers

We just got back from spending four SUPER relaxing days at the Wild Dunes Resort at Isle of Palms, S.C.  We rented a one bedroom condo and spent most of our time reading on the screened-in back deck overlooking the ocean.  I forgot my iPad and we got zero cell phone reception but, it was a nice change of pace, being “unplugged” for a while.   We walked on the beach and tasted the seafood at some of the local restaurants.  Oh, and we spent a little time exploring Charleston too.  I brought my camera but was too…busy… to take many pictures.  So, on our last day we decided to put together a quick stop-motion video.  I’ve never really tried something like this before.  We only took one take and it was definitely a learning experience.  I have some creative ideas for the next time we give this a go.  The message Kayla writes in the sand says “Happy Anniversary” btw. Now, it’s back to the ‘ol grind.  Can’t wait for the next vacation!