Do Not Open Till…

Well, Baby Watch 2012 has officially begun!  During our appointment on Monday we got the news that if Little Miss doesn’t arrive on her own by next Thursday, we’re going to induce.  Mom and baby are doing well and there are no foreseen complications.  But, since the pregnancy is considered high risk and AdalyEveLee (Adalyn, Evelyn, Kylee) is fully developed, the doctor has advised us that we probably should push the ejection button.  We’re super excited and we can’t wait to meet our little angel.  So, we’re expecting a call from the hospital Thursday evening telling us our four star room is ready for check in and once we arrive they’ll begin the inducing process.  Kayla will take some medication overnight and on Friday morning she’ll get a shot of pitocin to jump start the labor.  It’s nice to know the exact date but it’s not helping to calm our nerves any.  Please keep Kayla and baby in your thoughts and prayers.  We’ll be sure to keep everyone up to date!