Ted the Tool Man Taylor

The Daddy Boot Camp class I attended on Saturday proved to be CAKE compared to the little dimmer switch and ceiling fan I installed in the nursery today.  It was supposed to be such an easy DIY project. But, I was bombarded with setback after setback.  Nothing major, just little things.  The plastic mount holding up the previous light fixture, the need for an expandable metal joist, balance beaming like Shawn Johnson in the attic, the grommets..oy the GROMMETS!  But, with some encouraging words from Kayla, two trips to Home Depot, and a quick call to my Dad, I was able to get er done!  Its hard to describe the satisfaction I felt when I flipped the breaker in the basement, letting loose the power to the nursery, and felt the cool breeze from the Hunter Ashlyn 42 in. ceiling fan.  Ahhhh….  I’m totally calling an electrician next time…